Be aware start to care

Cred ca toata lumea isi doreste sa aiba o astfel de ocazie in viata.Dar despre ce ocazie este vorba?

"Be aware start to care" este numele proiectului Erasmus+ la care am luat parte prin intermediul voluntariatului.Proiect creat cu scopul de a promova multiculturalismul in principal.
 Multiculturalism is a term used in both sociology and political philosophy. It is an ambiguous term: it can mean a cultural pluralism in which the various ethnic groups collaborate and dialog with one another without having to sacrifice their particular identities.

In momentul in care am aflat ca am fost selectata sa particip la acest proiect am inceput sa plang de fericire si sa tremur in acelasi timp.A fost cel mai frumos mail pe care am putut sa il primesc vreodata.
Nu aveam asteptari prea mari sa fiu una din cei 5 voluntari romani care vor pleca in acest proiect.
De aceasta data norocul a fost de partea mea.
A fost primul proiect de acest gen la care am luat parte dar care si-a lasat amprenta in viata mea.Totul a fost special pentru mine.Am luat parte la diferite activitati cu scop cultural sau doar de distractie.
Cele 8 zile de proiect au fost cele mai frumoase zile pe care le-am avut. Mi-am facut noi prieteni,din fiecare tara participanta la proiect,cu care inca pastrez legatura.
Tarile participante au fost:Romania,Turica,Suedia,Croatia. 
Din fiecare tara am avut ocazia sa cunosc persoane minunate,cu care am ras si cu care ne-am creat amintiri de neuitat.
Fiecare moment era special.
Sentimentele mele erau impartite in toate partile,nu mai stiam ce sa simt,ce sa cred,ce sa gandesc.
In primul rand era "dorul de casa,de prieteni" iar in al doilea rand emotia ca esti intr-un loc nou cu persoane noi pe care le stii doar dupa nume sau deoarece dorm cu tine in cabana.

Dar nu am tinut cont de nimic.Nu am avut bariere in comunicare si ne-am descurcat perfect in toate cele 8 zile.Nu am nimic de reprosat in urma acestui proiect doar sper sa il putem promova,pentru a le da si altor adolescenti ocazia sa participe in acest tip de proiecte,benefice pentru activitatea lor,pentru viitorul lor.

BE AWARE START TO CARE - is a Youth Exchange organized by Youth organization Awesome People in Uskavi, Nora, Sweden. The project Goal is to raise cultural awerness amongs Youth.
Let's make people be and feel awesome!!

Daily report 26&29 september

On the 26th of sept. it was the swedish teams turn to conduct the activities, so we started the day with a quick warm uo game called " The chicken game" it made us to get in the perfect mood to go with the day and then we started giving our feedback on the food, apartments and the place. After that we started to divide ourselfs on duties to help out with
everything and we wrote up some rules, after lunch we took some pictures beside the lake and we started with activities like " the trust game" and the rope game in which we really bonded with the whole group. Then we got on with a very swedish game called "tipspromenad" and then wr did a special activity called the living library where the other team members got to talk with each and every member of the swedish team , they could ask them about almost anything. After that we ate dinner and we continued with some of the activities and we introduced them to some swedish food and candy, and the day came to an end.
29 sept.We started our day with breakfast as usual then after breakfast we started to plan for our trip to the kopparbergs festival, we split ourselfs in groups and started to prepare for the different activities that are going to be performed in the kopparbergs festival like free hugs, video montage etc.
After that we had lunch and then continued preparation for the festival, after all the preparation were done we had dinner and a special movie night as the day came to an end.
Cred ca pozele spun de la sine cat de frumos a fost proiectul si cate momente frumoase am avut in doar 8 zile.
Suedia este o tara frumoasa,unde ai ce sa vezi,iar locatia unde s-a desfasurat proiectul a fost de vis,lacul de care eram inconjurati fiind o minune.Puteai statea toata ziua pe mal si sa admiri peisajul,inconjurat de liniste si poate vizitat de cate o veverita.
Ce pot spune ca sa pot convinge si alti parinti sa isi lase copiii sa faca voluntariat pentru a avea ocazia de a face parte dintr-un astfel de proiect? Am numai cuvinte de lauda la adresa organizatorilor si la adresa tuturor participantilor deoarece am facut dintr-un simplu proiect,o poveste de neuitat.Oricine merita o astfel de ocazie,macar odata in viata.

